Social Studies- Ms. Smith


Could I have but a line a century hence crediting a contribution to the advance of peace, I would yield every honor which has been accorded by war.
Douglas MacArthur


 About Me


My name is Dayna Smith and I have taught at OMS for the past seven years. I have been married to Mr. Smith for 27!! years. I have two children, both of whom graduated from OHS. They are both in college; one at Indiana University Bloomington and one at Vanderbilt University. I have a BS in Elementary Education and a MS in Library Media Education. My favorite time of the year is the month of December. Both my children were born in December, I look better in sweaters than shorts, and I love the holidays. I want for my students what I want for my own children- an education that will  enable them to reach for their dreams, appreciate and value differences, and allow them to be positive contributors to society.

I can be reached by STUDENTS and parents/guardians at


This Week's Assignments


  •  Monday- Complete Notes on NWC Indians/Read If you Lived With NWC Indians. Start studying for THURSDAY EXAM!!!!
  • Tuesday- Practice Exam with Jeopardy Game
  • Wednesday- Whole Group ORQ Practice
  • Thursday-Native American Exam-Multiple Choice
  • Friday- Native American ORQ (2nd part of exam)


Last Week's Assignments


  • Monday- Video on NWC Native Americans
  • Tuesday- Work on NWC Projects
  • Wednesday- Organize Social Studies Folders 
  • Thursday- Read HA NWC Native Americans
  • Friday- Create Table of Contents; Start Notes on NWC Indians


Recommended Websites learn and do good at the same time practice your knowledge in social studies select your birthdate and see what happened in history on the day you were born. I share a birthday with Abraham Lincoln, the founding of the colony of Georgia, and the first U.S. POW release from North Vietnam.


 Interesting Information

I will be staying after school every Monday to help anyone who needs to work on social studies. You can stay if your parents sign your agenda giving permission. A bus will give you a ride home at 3:50 p.m. All you have to do is tell me you are staying before 11:30 a.m. on any Monday. If your social studies average is below an 80%-YOU SHOULD BE STAYING!!!!!

After fall break we will begin studying colonial American and all that that entails! The first colonies, the first 13 colonies, the American Revolution, and the colonial American experience. History Alive, chapters 6-13 are a great place to start reading!!

I am currently reading "Never let Me Go"by Kazuo Ishiguro. I am always reading something-are you? I love it when students e-mail me what they are reading--so please e-mail me and let me know what you are reading!

Our team has been lucky enough to be chosen to test drive a classroom set of Apple computers--more info to come!!!